Bank Name | Citizencredit Co-op Bank |
Official Name | Citizencredit Co-op Bank Ltd |
Type | Co-operative Bank | | |
Website | |
Branches in India | 39 Branches |
Citizencredit Co-op Bank has about 39 branches spread across India. Citizencredit Co-op Bank is currently one of about 160 banks (Nationalised, Private, Co-Operative and Foreign) in India.
Below given is the list of states where Citizencredit Co-op Bank currently have branches. Click on any of the states to find the IFSC code of Citizencredit Co-op Bank in the state.
Citizen credit Co-operative Bank Ltd Which has risen from modest beginnings toemerge as one of the most successful and frontlinefinancial institutions in the co-operative banking sector.A bank supported by thousands of well-meaning customers,enabling it to ascend to newerand yet newer heights.Soaring higher and higher the quiet yet solid wing power of the dove,symbol of which has risen from modest beginnings to emerge as one of the most successful and frontline financial institutions in the co-operative banking sector.The Board of Directors as constituted per norms prescribed under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 of the Reserve Bank of India and the Multi-state Co-operative Societies Act 1984, is comprised of professionals drawn from senior management cadres in the fields of banking, business, marketing, human resources, and communications. As prescribed under the same laws, persons drawn from the SC/ST segment as defined in the Indian Constitution and from the agricultural sector, are also represented on the board.
Disclaimer : All the information in this site is provided from authentic source and all efforts have been made to verify and provide exact results. Even though users are requested to reconfirm the data provided with their corresponding bank branch.