Bank Name | State Bank Of Patiala |
Short Name | SBP |
Type | Co-operative Bank | | |
Website | |
Branches in India | 1151 Branches |
State Bank Of Patiala has about 1151 branches spread across India. SBP is currently one of about 160 banks (Nationalised, Private, Co-Operative and Foreign) in India.
Below given is the list of states where State Bank Of Patiala currently have branches. Click on any of the states to find the IFSC code of SBP in the state.
State Bank of Patiala The rich heritage of State Bank of Patiala dates back to the year 1917, when it was founded by Late His Highness Bhupinder Singh, Maharaja of erstwhile Patiala state, with one branch by the name of 'Chowk Fort, Patiala' to begin with. The Bank, then known as the 'Patiala State Bank' was state owned and setup for the explicit purpose of fostering growth of agriculture, trade and industry. The constitution, scope and operations of the Bank underwent a sea change with the formation of the Patiala and east Punjab States Union (PEPSU) in 1948.The Bank was then reorganized and brought under the control of Reserve Bank of India. It was christened as the Bank of Patiala. Another milestone in history of the Bank was its becoming a subsidiary of the State Bank of India on 1st April,1960 when it was named as the State Bank of Patiala and since then it has grown significantly both in size and volume of business. During these glorious years, the Bank has been playing an important role in banking sphere.
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