(P U N B Zero Zero Zero Zero Seven Zero Zero)
Punjab National Bank Mandi branch is located in Sangrur district of Punjab. PNB has 35 branches in the district. All about Punjab National Bank Mandi Branch including IFSC Code, MICR Code, Address, Contact Number, Contact Person are provided according to the availability. Find more information about classification of Punjab National Bank Mandi IFSC Code.
Information of PNB Mandi branch, Punjab
Branch Name | Mandi |
IFSC Code | PUNB0000700 |
Branch Code | 000700 |
Branch Address | Mandi, Ahmedgarh, Distt Bhatinda, Punjab 148021 |
City | 01675-240010,245352 T S Mahant |
District | Sangrur |
State | Punjab |
IFSC Code of Punjab National Bank Mandi branch is PUNB0000700. The IFSC of Punjab National Bank can be classified into 3 parts mainly the first 4 alphabetical characters PUNB as Punjab National Bank code. The fifth character 0 reserved for future use, and last six characters as branch code. In case of Mandi branch IFSC Code, PUNB represents Punjab National Bank, 0 for future use and 000700 represents Mandi branch. The IFSC code PUNB0000700 uniquely identifies Punjab National Bank Mandi branch, in Sangrur, Punjab and can be used for online money transactions using RTGS and NEFT. This IFSC can also be used for online reservation of tickets, paying bills, shopping and EMI payments and much more.
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